Victoria created this Bing cake for her 3-year-old son's birthday. She writes:
"Thank you for producing such a wonderful character. Both my 3 (soon to be 4) year old and 22 month old children love him. And I don’t mind repeated readings of Bing either. The thought of a potential picnic surrounded by dog pooh always makes me smile.
"But a big thanks you for helping me to redirect the strange whims of my 3year old, Bill. It is his birthday this week and for months he has told me he wants a “Horsey cake”. As my creative streak was brutally erased at birth this struck terror in my heart. As well as incredulity. Bill has never ridden a horse, spent quality time with a horse and only petted one briefly. However a very pretty girl called Charlotte is a huge fan of horses to such an extent that some days she will only respond to her pony alter ego name, Pepper. I think this may be his first crush. Bill casually leafed through my “Easy” party cakes book and chose a cake shaped like a bed with a mouse in it. But he wanted a horse’s head on the pillow. It’ s very hard to explain to a 3 year old why this is wrong on quite a few levels, particularly whilst laughing. Anyway, I suggested I make a Bing cake. He agreed.
"The party was a real hit and the Bing cake turned out surprisingly like Bing. I did use black icing and it was a labour of love. Bill’s Dad David blew up a picture of Bing and I reverted back to the infants and did a lot of tracing.
"Introducing Bing to grown ups and children who don’t know him is wonderful. Part of me wishes that myself, my husband and Bill and Iona could meet him again for the first time.Thank you."